Wednesday, July 1, 2009


the reason for me not blogging, is cause, i don't know why, but i just don't feel like it. life's too boring i guess. :p

yesterday, i watched tranformers AGAIN, with sin. :) haha. i still teared at the part where optimus fought in the forest! wooahh. he's so so hot! i was arguing with sin that who's hotter, sin likes megatron..i don't know why. o.o

:) i really have nothing to say, except that currently, i'm in a so-wanna-shopping mood, but is so out of cash. i can't wait for my salary...i wish i could ash for it first. salary? oh yeah, you must be wondering since when i got a job. well, i'm now working with qian at the Kumon centre. and...i'm already complaining even though monday was the first day. hmmm, well, the kids are fine, just that, i don't like the 3 to 9pm air conditioning thing. it is really, really, really harmful towards my skin. :( haiseh..and i don't get to have dinner with my parents, every monday and thursday...that sucks. *pffff* but i need cash, and i have to earn it myself to pay for my belated-father's day present. :p haha. oh..and for my shopppinnggs too. xD

my holidays will be finishing in two weeks time. hmm, and i still haven't recieved my offer letter yet. GREAT~ but what's worst, my A2 results will be coming out soon, on the 10th of august. -.-" right...i'm kinda scared..yet, glad. don't ask me why..i have no ideaa! besides, i am too looking forward into receiving the scholarship successfulllyyy. :D haha. daddy promise, if i were to get that scholarship, he's going to get me a new phone on the spot. i was hoping for a new car..:P but oh welll~ :p i wonder if he's lying to me........o.o""" i really think so. lol!

hmmm, will update sooon. :)

love, cong.

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