i'm in Sunway library now. had an hour break. i didn't know what else to do, and so i came to blog for i have not been blogging for so freaking long!! :D haha.
first of all, yes! i'm so so suprised of xen's sudden presence in Malaysia! i called up sai because he asked me out for dinner, but ended up, xen was the one picking it up! i was STUNTED! haha. but thank god he came back. i'd missed him so badly, and..this might be the last time i see him before i go study in OZ. hmmm, but i still hadn't take any photos with him yet...*pfff* coming soon. :p haha.
yesterday, i went out with xen, sai and wen. it was a last minute thing. :) haha. i went shopping with them! xen bought some tees and polo's. the three of them had the same design but different colours ones. so cute~ :) and then, we went for a movie, guess what was it? TRANSFORMERS!! this is like my forth time watching it. but i didn't mind, because this movie is SIMPLY MARVELLOUSSSSS!! well, we had that movie mainly because xen haven't watch it yet. he said, they speak german there. so yeah. :) guess again! i teared at the same old scene when O.P died. haiseh, my poor hero. ;p hehe. then, we had dinner around KD. actually, i had loads of fun. i guess, this outing can eliminate the insecure feeling of xen about us. he called me the day after the first dinner i had with him, sai, sin, qian and chunkeat. he thought we'd changed, but i told him, that he was thinking too much. it has been like that for a long long time. like, even though we don't really get in touch much, but when the gathering comes, which is like every one time a month? we took it quite naturally isn't it? like nothing had happened before, just like old times. so yeah. i kept on convincing him, i hope he understands. :) anyway, he's fine now!!
ohhh!! i had made new friendsss in Uni!! :) two girls, no, actually quite a few, boys and girls, but i only remember three! :p bad memory~~ one is my MOB and BS assignment partner, Catherine. and one, is my sms-partner/lecture partner, Jacqueline from Indonesia. she's a indon-chinese. :) look so so much like a chines. hehe. she's one sweet girl. and Mabel. :) hahaha. i'm gladddd. but i still have lunch with only rald. don't ask why. :) :)
if xen was taking this seriously, well, at least i thought he was when he told me yesterday. he asked me to organise a trip to the beach, which is Kuantan, since it's the nearest one. so i am officiallu annoucing this now :
ANYONE INTRESTED TO GO KUANTAN?? PLEASE LET ME KNOW, DATE AND VENUE, ARE NOT CONFIRMED YET. okay?? i just want it to be just like old time. :) muacx~
p.s// i can't believe xen can mess my voice up with her's. o.o
love, cong.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
have you been wondering that maybe my Uni life had caused me to stop blogging? hmm, NO. HELL NO! :) i was just really busy and tired for days. you know, the all adapting-to-the-surrounding thing? yeah.
Uni was...okay. nothing much. the four subjects i'm going to take, are economics, business law, statistics and managment & organization behaviour. obviously, STAT is SO NOT my thing. :) but, thank for the love of god, business law and econs are the one i had studied for Alevels!! the exact same thing!! no, even better! cause it's shorter!! haha! :) well well well, the sad case is, it's been the 5th day and i still hadn't made any new friends. :( :( so not me? i know! but what to do? there's like 300++ students in the lecture hall, so yeah. also because i only stick to karchun, daniel or azree during class. and after class? GERALD DARLING of course!! :D that's like the best part of the day!! besides talking with my baby boy of course. :p hehe. just so he get jealous. yeah. :)
about what qian said that night, i had a thought of it. she said i am a lucky girl, cause wherever i go, there's always KDU-rians around. come to think of it, it's kinda true. :) and mostly those are the close ones. haha. lucky me! they had helped me so much! like cind, i mentioned before, the access to season parking?? i didn't have to wake up early to hunt for carparks!! LOVE YOU BABE! rald, my lunch partner. muacx~ :) :) :) haha. sin??? my across-the-land bodyguardd...love love love him! yuchung??? hmph. still haven't call me out yet!! grrr.
oh! i saw qian's ex-admirer today! or maybe still one. hmm, yes, jim. he couldn't recognise me!! he was like, 'are you zicong?' ; 'oh my god! you slimmed down so much!' ; ' i was like thinking who's that chic..' yeaaahhhh, i know right... o.o but to me, it was kinda like an insult!! was i really that horrible last time!?!?! HUH!? then he accompanied me to he cafeteria..saw daniel on the way with his white cooper. :) qian's car!! haha. and then, i had lunch with rald!! the fact that i had three hours of break, he brought me to pymarid. :) we had this scissors-paper-stone game to decide which restauran to go! haha! i made it up, that's what me and sin always do!! :) :) ended up, we headed to italianese. finally! the promise he made. :) :) we talked and talked and talked. around 3, he sent me back to Uni. :) then sin callleddd!!! i didn't pick up cause firstly, i was in the loo and it was in silent mode! he called so many times! why!? because, we were having a conversation, then it went off due to the adsence of yellowman! i didn't call back but went to the loo. so he thought something happened to me!! he almost called my mummy to come over and check me out! sweet baby jesus! ;) but i know, he's just worried about me, because he loves me. :) :) **smmmoooooches**
yup, that was it. :) during my last lecture. karchun sat beside me. he was babbling and babbling about how to make fast cash! ask me go Langkawi with him to get duty free cigarettes and sell them ; gambling ; open a pub ; even being a giggolo! ...stuffs like that. i was telling him to get slow and steady and all. one hour lecture was gone like that! haha. :p but i had fun! :) hehe.
oh and guys, i just realise that the subject i wanted, it's not provided in Sunwauy Victoria Uni but only in Australia's Victoria Uni. so if i insist to take that subject, i have to leave to OZ next year this time...hmmmm. which makes me only a year left here...siighs.
p.s//my transexual bitch = called and laugh at my typing error. i'm going to change it now! :) grrrrr. remmeber the promise, tee. ;)
love, cong.
Uni was...okay. nothing much. the four subjects i'm going to take, are economics, business law, statistics and managment & organization behaviour. obviously, STAT is SO NOT my thing. :) but, thank for the love of god, business law and econs are the one i had studied for Alevels!! the exact same thing!! no, even better! cause it's shorter!! haha! :) well well well, the sad case is, it's been the 5th day and i still hadn't made any new friends. :( :( so not me? i know! but what to do? there's like 300++ students in the lecture hall, so yeah. also because i only stick to karchun, daniel or azree during class. and after class? GERALD DARLING of course!! :D that's like the best part of the day!! besides talking with my baby boy of course. :p hehe. just so he get jealous. yeah. :)
about what qian said that night, i had a thought of it. she said i am a lucky girl, cause wherever i go, there's always KDU-rians around. come to think of it, it's kinda true. :) and mostly those are the close ones. haha. lucky me! they had helped me so much! like cind, i mentioned before, the access to season parking?? i didn't have to wake up early to hunt for carparks!! LOVE YOU BABE! rald, my lunch partner. muacx~ :) :) :) haha. sin??? my across-the-land bodyguardd...love love love him! yuchung??? hmph. still haven't call me out yet!! grrr.
oh! i saw qian's ex-admirer today! or maybe still one. hmm, yes, jim. he couldn't recognise me!! he was like, 'are you zicong?' ; 'oh my god! you slimmed down so much!' ; ' i was like thinking who's that chic..' yeaaahhhh, i know right... o.o but to me, it was kinda like an insult!! was i really that horrible last time!?!?! HUH!? then he accompanied me to he cafeteria..saw daniel on the way with his white cooper. :) qian's car!! haha. and then, i had lunch with rald!! the fact that i had three hours of break, he brought me to pymarid. :) we had this scissors-paper-stone game to decide which restauran to go! haha! i made it up, that's what me and sin always do!! :) :) ended up, we headed to italianese. finally! the promise he made. :) :) we talked and talked and talked. around 3, he sent me back to Uni. :) then sin callleddd!!! i didn't pick up cause firstly, i was in the loo and it was in silent mode! he called so many times! why!? because, we were having a conversation, then it went off due to the adsence of yellowman! i didn't call back but went to the loo. so he thought something happened to me!! he almost called my mummy to come over and check me out! sweet baby jesus! ;) but i know, he's just worried about me, because he loves me. :) :) **smmmoooooches**
yup, that was it. :) during my last lecture. karchun sat beside me. he was babbling and babbling about how to make fast cash! ask me go Langkawi with him to get duty free cigarettes and sell them ; gambling ; open a pub ; even being a giggolo! ...stuffs like that. i was telling him to get slow and steady and all. one hour lecture was gone like that! haha. :p but i had fun! :) hehe.
oh and guys, i just realise that the subject i wanted, it's not provided in Sunwauy Victoria Uni but only in Australia's Victoria Uni. so if i insist to take that subject, i have to leave to OZ next year this time...hmmmm. which makes me only a year left here...siighs.
p.s//my transexual bitch = called and laugh at my typing error. i'm going to change it now! :) grrrrr. remmeber the promise, tee. ;)
love, cong.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
OBESSSED!! i was suppose to watch it today..:( but then, something happened, and the blooody traffic jam and corwd?! UGH!! i eventually lost the mood of going for the movies, or the shopping mall. bad day....god knows why, sin knows why..:((
but then, it gets better when me and sin went BIG ICE for afternoon tea..i had THE BEST mango and strawberry ice...that was my lunch!! i didn't wanna eat much, cause i wanna save my tummy for the dinner, my cravings!! yesh!! Fatty Crab~~~ i want it soooooo badlyyy!! :D :D haha.
i ate so much for dinner!! :) so full! never had been that full since so long!! i didn't bother to take the photo, because the food was so tempting. i don't even wanna waste time to take photo but to eat eat and eat!!
happy day~~ SATISFIED. :):) thank you darlingggg~~ :D :D
love, cong.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
my first day in sunway university as a Uni student was okay. it was yesterday though. :) suprisingly, i saw karchun, daniel and azree in my course. haha. it was one hack of suprise. somehow, i'm abit relief. :p as usual, the orientation was freaking boring. -.-" speeches, speeches and speeches...bla bla bla. both my sister asked me whether i'd spotted hot guys, my answer is, no i did not go check out. suprising? haha. :) well, i just wanna make someone feel secure. muacx~
lunch? i had it with them at first, then meet up with rald dear! :D haha. he brought me to a tour on the campus. he showed me he secret place to chill out. :) and then i skipped orientation and ranaway with him! haha. no lar, i drove him home. but before that, we had lunch with his friend in station one cafe. then i dropped by at his house, hang around a bit. :) laughing at youtube videos and chatting. rald's mummy was so sweet. :) he asked me to have watermelon before i'd go. and she said that i have become thinner. more, mature~ muahahaha. :D and rald! he secretly stuff 10bucks in my bag for petroll...that stupid yet cute boy~~ no wonder why i love him. :) and of course, you guys too. haha.
well, later at night, i was conned by stupid xen!! :( he told me he had something important to tell me, on video call. so i did. he was so freaking serious, telling me this......(i'm not sure if i can tell the story, eventhough it's just a make up, but the character he used was real, so yeah) and then, and the end, he wrote to me. 'i lie. nothing happen' huge black words wrote by his own handwritting! i was like, what the hell!?!?!? stupid idiot~ he told me the reason for this was he's afraid we have nothing to talk about, so he made up stories...-.-" very SOLID reason, xen...ugh.
at the same time, cheesing MSN me...( remember to text me :) ) yuchung too, and chunkeat was texting me on the phone, and sin was calling me....so so so busy...o.o"
today, it's my second day..i hope everything goes well. first of all, i wanna thank cind for the season parking. it help alot~ MUACX darling!! i love you! and rald, for accompanying me and showing me around the campus. lastly, my darling dear sin, for being with me by text the whole day! :D :D :D muacx~
oh oh! suprisingly, rald helped sin in my and his arguement...haha. saying that sin was worried because i didn't replied his text. he had felt the sanme way too..and all. :) so cute~~ sin was lauhging with joy after he heard it. :)
going to Uni soon...:( god bless me!
love, cong.
lunch? i had it with them at first, then meet up with rald dear! :D haha. he brought me to a tour on the campus. he showed me he secret place to chill out. :) and then i skipped orientation and ranaway with him! haha. no lar, i drove him home. but before that, we had lunch with his friend in station one cafe. then i dropped by at his house, hang around a bit. :) laughing at youtube videos and chatting. rald's mummy was so sweet. :) he asked me to have watermelon before i'd go. and she said that i have become thinner. more, mature~ muahahaha. :D and rald! he secretly stuff 10bucks in my bag for petroll...that stupid yet cute boy~~ no wonder why i love him. :) and of course, you guys too. haha.
well, later at night, i was conned by stupid xen!! :( he told me he had something important to tell me, on video call. so i did. he was so freaking serious, telling me this......(i'm not sure if i can tell the story, eventhough it's just a make up, but the character he used was real, so yeah) and then, and the end, he wrote to me. 'i lie. nothing happen' huge black words wrote by his own handwritting! i was like, what the hell!?!?!? stupid idiot~ he told me the reason for this was he's afraid we have nothing to talk about, so he made up stories...-.-" very SOLID reason, xen...ugh.
at the same time, cheesing MSN me...( remember to text me :) ) yuchung too, and chunkeat was texting me on the phone, and sin was calling me....so so so busy...o.o"
today, it's my second day..i hope everything goes well. first of all, i wanna thank cind for the season parking. it help alot~ MUACX darling!! i love you! and rald, for accompanying me and showing me around the campus. lastly, my darling dear sin, for being with me by text the whole day! :D :D :D muacx~
oh oh! suprisingly, rald helped sin in my and his arguement...haha. saying that sin was worried because i didn't replied his text. he had felt the sanme way too..and all. :) so cute~~ sin was lauhging with joy after he heard it. :)
going to Uni soon...:( god bless me!
love, cong.
Monday, July 13, 2009
a walk to remember.
tired! sleepy...not enough sleep.but i can't complain much. :( i know, sin is much more tired than me. and now, he's on his way back to mentakab again. at this early morning, driving...:( sorry darling!! why?? because, at saturday afternoon, he drive down from mentakab to my place. stayed over at my house for a night, then the next morning, which is sunday morning, we drove to bukit tinggi then kuantan. :) :)
oh!! at saturday night! we went to pyramid for shopping again! yes! i finally got the other shoe, the first one in vincci was a wedges, and the the other was a snake-skin-like heels and now this one it a gladiator heels. :D wooott~~ and i got a dress from MNG, only rm90!! sin got it for me as my graduation presentt!! hehe. i got another black singlet from MNG tooo...:) :) happy happy~
i took the horse ride in bukit tinggi! :) finally. i always always wanted to ride on a horse since i was a little girl. and sin made my childhood dreams come true! thank you. :) :) muacx~ i sat on a horse name, felicia, with braids on. :) it was ten in the morning when we reach there, so it was no crowded, i like. haha. then we went to the rabbit park. saw loads and loads of cute fluffy-puffy rabbits. :D hahaha!! not only that, but also donkey, deers, birds, tortoise and goat. :)
breakfast. :D
then, we took another 2plus hour journey to reach kuantan. well, the distance was quite far, but the journey in the car was okay. :) at least, i didn't fell asleep! we were talking all the way, even called up sai and ask for directions, when he was stil sleeping. :p sorry sai, but thanks! :D haha. we were trying to remember the places we'd been, on the last trip sai brought us. i managed to rememebered some, but sin? ........ haiseh. oh! and the restrooms...ugh! still so disgusting and smellly! i just don't get it. how come they can't renovate or refurnish it?! i mean, it's a tourist place dude!! yewwww~ even i, a malaysian couldn't stand it! what about the the tourist!!?!?!? ugh ugh ugh! i told sin, after playing at the beach, i won't change there! i would rather change at the neaby petrol station's restrooommm. at least it's so much brighter there!! SERIOUSLY!! you remember right, moko? right qian?! we took macd by the seaside for lunch! :) yup, the one we've been to. i even wnated to sit at the place we've sat! but it was occupied by some random kids...-.-" annooyyyinnggggg~~ grrrr. after lunch, we went to mentakab. sin didn't wanted his parents to be worried. so yeah. we had dinner there. :) then headed home. ...i had so much fun..:) thank baby booo~ for everything, te amo~~ :D
i had some much fun, really. it as another type of fun when i'm with you guys, it more to a mmm, schweeeeet? haha. but hey! i really wanna go to the beach with you guys again!! i know it, it will be really run, no...super duper fun!! :) :) okay okay? pleaseee?? i miss it... it's like there's still something missing...two of us..are justt..a little, just a little bit boring. but when we are with you people, i know we will go crazy!! :D :D
love, cong.
Friday, July 10, 2009
happy birthday douchebag, a.k.a xen. :)
you know? how ludicrous some of the klang people are?! their obnoxious behaviour is seriously getting on my nerves! well, not they, but just one of them! today, when i pick up my younger sister back from school, she told me a NEW Girl in class called her a 'pork chop', saying that she's fat and that my sister is less photogenic than her! please!! and my sister said that she's the typical seafood group, with stunted midget height! you know the reason for this? cause, the guy she liked, adores my sister! that's why! seriously, doesn't it tell already who's the porkchop? ughhh!! her behaviour nauseated me and left me berserk!!! grrrrrr. i told my sister, if she ever say that to you again, tell her you have inner beauty that she don't, and if you don't understand, go back to kinder, seriously! buggs meee like hellll~~ don't ever mess with my family!! you mess with me, i'm okay..but when you mess with my family or my loved ones!! i WON'T BE NICE! and i mean it!!
enough for the anger, after dinner, i had conversations with my family. :) and then i've come to realise then i've been to so many places! since one, i was in beijing with my mummy and aunty, while my elder sister was in oz with my daddy. then, europian country-finland, germany, leceitain, belgium, holland,france, england, switzerland, united states of america-los angles, sanfrancisco, las vegas, new zeland, korea, china-hangzhou,guilin, suzhou, shanghai, guangzhou (obviously! :p), wuzi, longsheng, lijiang, kunming, nanjing, dali, shengzhen, zhuhai, macau/hongkong, singapore, thailand-hattyai. i was so shocked when i listed it down, i mean, i hardly even remember them....o.o but i wanna thank my parents, really. :) muacx~
here, i have a really sweet song by Joanna Wang - i love you.
I love you, say we're together baby,you and me
I can only give my life and show you all I am
in the breath I breathe
I will promise you my heart
and give you all you need
if it takes some time
and if you tell me you don't need me anymore
that our love won't last forever
I will ask you for a chance to try again
to make our life a little better,
ooh... I love you, say we're together baby,say we're together, ooh...
I need you, I need you forever baby, you and me
You say you hardly know exactly who I am
so hard to understand
But I, I knew right from the start,
the way I felt inside,
if you could read my mind
and if you tell me you don't need me anymore
and that our love won't last forever
I will ask you for a chance to try again
to make our love a little better
Remember when you used to hold me,
remember when you made me cry
You said you loved me, oh, you did, yes you did
this song...it's mainly for sin, and then you guys....and one more...that i shall remain silent. as long as i know, myself. :) if only he/she could hear...
love, cong.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Michael Joe Jackson
i watched the MJ's memorial. i feel very sad about it. especially, when Stevie Wonder sang a song just for him, one of those lines, made me teared. i couldn't help it. it just comes to me. he did nothing wrong, nothing bad! why? why does he have to leave so soon? the line is 'Michael, why didn't you stay?' so sad...i answered him, as if he wanna leave.
and those foolish people who wanted his money! please, so so so so disgusting of you to do that! you know how much he's been through just to earn those cash?
you know how hard he trained to get what he has now?
you know the pain he has to go through?
you know the lost he had just for what he had today?
he started sinigng since he was 4! when everyone was enjoying their childhood, playing dolls, cars, mudds, water..anything but earning livings. his father, scolded him, beated him..those pain....he never had a good childhood, which is why he built Neverland. not only for the poor kids, but for himself. deeply, inside of him, he wanted all these while he was a child. but he couldn't have it that time, that's why now, when he can, he did it. to me, he's still a big kid. so, HOW IN THE WORLD will he MOLEST CHILDREN!? you know how awful the accusation was?
'Micheal put his tongue in my mouth, i told him i didn't like it, then he started crying.'
'He masterbated me to a climax'
all those...my gosh!! please, if you want cash! go earn it yourself! seriously. what are you? useless pile of sh**! ughhh. disgusting people. how can you people even did this?! risking people's life, reputation, harming them to benefit yourself? how could you?!
and to MJ, may you rest in peace. i know, sometimes later, you may not be that of a influence anymore. you see, no matter how great his performance was...when he left us, it's like he too brought away all the glimmer and shines. sometimes later, people will eventually forget, or i should say, they don't pay that much attention on 'it' anymore. life still goes on... BUT, MJ, you are a legend. a great legend, you set the history for the entertaining world. you were the best, and always will be. be proud of what you had done..you are a great man, and a good one. may god bless your soul, and rest in peace. we will continue your legacy for you....although i'm not really your fan, but...i respect you for you are a great person. love, cong.
whenever i hear this song, a wanting-to-cry feeling always crawl towards me...i feel very wasted for him to leave like that. i'm not very much a fan, but i like him. and his life story made me..feel very awful for him...
taken from his song 'though you're far away...YOU are not alone...; though you're far apart...YOU'RE ALWAYS in my heart..' you'll always have us..
p.s//i just come back from shopping. i spend all the cash i have in my wallet, which i'd promised sin to save it. i'm so sorry! but i couldn't help it!! i bought two heels. :p maybe... just maybe, i am a potential shopaholic?
love, cong.
and those foolish people who wanted his money! please, so so so so disgusting of you to do that! you know how much he's been through just to earn those cash?
you know how hard he trained to get what he has now?
you know the pain he has to go through?
you know the lost he had just for what he had today?
he started sinigng since he was 4! when everyone was enjoying their childhood, playing dolls, cars, mudds, water..anything but earning livings. his father, scolded him, beated him..those pain....he never had a good childhood, which is why he built Neverland. not only for the poor kids, but for himself. deeply, inside of him, he wanted all these while he was a child. but he couldn't have it that time, that's why now, when he can, he did it. to me, he's still a big kid. so, HOW IN THE WORLD will he MOLEST CHILDREN!? you know how awful the accusation was?
'Micheal put his tongue in my mouth, i told him i didn't like it, then he started crying.'
'He masterbated me to a climax'
all those...my gosh!! please, if you want cash! go earn it yourself! seriously. what are you? useless pile of sh**! ughhh. disgusting people. how can you people even did this?! risking people's life, reputation, harming them to benefit yourself? how could you?!
and to MJ, may you rest in peace. i know, sometimes later, you may not be that of a influence anymore. you see, no matter how great his performance was...when he left us, it's like he too brought away all the glimmer and shines. sometimes later, people will eventually forget, or i should say, they don't pay that much attention on 'it' anymore. life still goes on... BUT, MJ, you are a legend. a great legend, you set the history for the entertaining world. you were the best, and always will be. be proud of what you had done..you are a great man, and a good one. may god bless your soul, and rest in peace. we will continue your legacy for you....although i'm not really your fan, but...i respect you for you are a great person. love, cong.
whenever i hear this song, a wanting-to-cry feeling always crawl towards me...i feel very wasted for him to leave like that. i'm not very much a fan, but i like him. and his life story made me..feel very awful for him...
taken from his song 'though you're far away...YOU are not alone...; though you're far apart...YOU'RE ALWAYS in my heart..' you'll always have us..
p.s//i just come back from shopping. i spend all the cash i have in my wallet, which i'd promised sin to save it. i'm so sorry! but i couldn't help it!! i bought two heels. :p maybe... just maybe, i am a potential shopaholic?
love, cong.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
i was suppose to be in Cherating, Kuantan with my elder sister and her guy, with my guy! BUT!!! i had flue...and sorethroat, so my mummy didn't let me go. she said travelling will increase my level of sick-ness, and i might even get H1N1...haiseh. so sad. :( it was all so well plannned! but then again, sin will never ever want me to be sad. so, he promised that he'll bring me soon. :D hehe. i love him so much~ can't wait to feel the soft sand beneath my naked feet, and the sea breeze, blowing my hair as if they were dancing, the smell of the salt water...and the voice of the ocean, the overlapping waves....AHHHH! it's been soooooooooooooo long since i have ever really truly relaxed. mmm, i'm so very excited about it. :D haha!
mummy even said, i couldn't drive, as driving causes tension. but i did. i had to. to fetch my brother and sister back from school. -.-" but mummy drove me down to sunway U this morning. why!? they called me up 8 plus in the morning, telling me that they lost MY APPLICATION FORM and ALL DOCUMENTS in relative to it. i was like WHAT?!?! no wonder the offer letter didn't come to me even after one week. o.o she reconfirmed to me that this time they won't lose it, and told me that i can start my classes this wednesday. that moment, i was shocked! my god! my U is starting already? so sooon? but it only felt like it had just started!? my holidays~~~~~~ gone so sooon. :( i didn't even get to go anywhere!! my shopping spree? *pfffft* *sob sob* how can this be?
enough for the whinning, yesterday i received a phone call from, someone. he confessed to me. i was so shocked!! seriously. this time was different from the others, because, instead of sounding like his was usually, this time, he was very angry, and i can feel abit of..mm, lose control? i was right, he told me he didn't dare to call me until he had drank a few drinks. i guess, this kinda tells. but i felt sorrry. i don't know..i shouldn't reveal so much here huh? i know some of you guys know who he is...it's not hard to guess. i respect him, and i don't wanna hurt him, so yeah. this is enough. we'll stop here. :)
i was wondering that day, actually, thinking pointlessly. then something just comes into my head. ever felt like you wanna stay until you see the one you love walk away infront of you with your own eyes, knowing that he'll be heaading home, savely. and that's the end for that day. no more him in your 'that day'? well, i did. i had this feeling before. and it had lasted for almost 2 to 3 years. it's so clear that i can never forget about it. yup! you know who is 'him'. i used to do that everyday after school. you know, just looking at him. my eye sight will go wherever he were. until i saw him went on the vehicle, then only i am able to focus on other stuffs, if not, my eyes will forever be looking where he is. pathetic? stalker? insane? i don't know, to me, it was my own way of loving him, silently. i never asked for any return, never hoped that he will know, i just wish to see him everyday in my life. i always had this satisfy, happpy, warm feeling after sending him off with my 'eyesight'. really. it's like, i'm kinda looking after him. lol. i know this sounds cheesy, but really. it was my own way of loving him, and i had loved him so so so much.
and then, karma happens. now, there is some guy. :) who is doing the same thing for me. not looking for me after school, but always let me hang up the phone first. i had read an article from the internet before, saying that the last one who hold the call will feel kinda disappointed, after all the hung up is somehow like...a decline, reject, or anything you can call it. i know he loves me alot. :) i really do. and today, i was so happy to hear from my mummy, that she finds him a good boy, good guy with clear mind, thoughts, and a good heart. :) i know, he's very happy about this too. :) :) muacx~
if i were given the second chance, i would do the same thing to my secondary 'life him'. :) cause i know now, how great it feels to be loved like that by someone, all thanks to, sin.
love, cong.
mummy even said, i couldn't drive, as driving causes tension. but i did. i had to. to fetch my brother and sister back from school. -.-" but mummy drove me down to sunway U this morning. why!? they called me up 8 plus in the morning, telling me that they lost MY APPLICATION FORM and ALL DOCUMENTS in relative to it. i was like WHAT?!?! no wonder the offer letter didn't come to me even after one week. o.o she reconfirmed to me that this time they won't lose it, and told me that i can start my classes this wednesday. that moment, i was shocked! my god! my U is starting already? so sooon? but it only felt like it had just started!? my holidays~~~~~~ gone so sooon. :( i didn't even get to go anywhere!! my shopping spree? *pfffft* *sob sob* how can this be?
enough for the whinning, yesterday i received a phone call from, someone. he confessed to me. i was so shocked!! seriously. this time was different from the others, because, instead of sounding like his was usually, this time, he was very angry, and i can feel abit of..mm, lose control? i was right, he told me he didn't dare to call me until he had drank a few drinks. i guess, this kinda tells. but i felt sorrry. i don't know..i shouldn't reveal so much here huh? i know some of you guys know who he is...it's not hard to guess. i respect him, and i don't wanna hurt him, so yeah. this is enough. we'll stop here. :)
i was wondering that day, actually, thinking pointlessly. then something just comes into my head. ever felt like you wanna stay until you see the one you love walk away infront of you with your own eyes, knowing that he'll be heaading home, savely. and that's the end for that day. no more him in your 'that day'? well, i did. i had this feeling before. and it had lasted for almost 2 to 3 years. it's so clear that i can never forget about it. yup! you know who is 'him'. i used to do that everyday after school. you know, just looking at him. my eye sight will go wherever he were. until i saw him went on the vehicle, then only i am able to focus on other stuffs, if not, my eyes will forever be looking where he is. pathetic? stalker? insane? i don't know, to me, it was my own way of loving him, silently. i never asked for any return, never hoped that he will know, i just wish to see him everyday in my life. i always had this satisfy, happpy, warm feeling after sending him off with my 'eyesight'. really. it's like, i'm kinda looking after him. lol. i know this sounds cheesy, but really. it was my own way of loving him, and i had loved him so so so much.
and then, karma happens. now, there is some guy. :) who is doing the same thing for me. not looking for me after school, but always let me hang up the phone first. i had read an article from the internet before, saying that the last one who hold the call will feel kinda disappointed, after all the hung up is somehow like...a decline, reject, or anything you can call it. i know he loves me alot. :) i really do. and today, i was so happy to hear from my mummy, that she finds him a good boy, good guy with clear mind, thoughts, and a good heart. :) i know, he's very happy about this too. :) :) muacx~
if i were given the second chance, i would do the same thing to my secondary 'life him'. :) cause i know now, how great it feels to be loved like that by someone, all thanks to, sin.
love, cong.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
i'm having my menstruation again! uggh! this is like a phobia to me...i don't like period. :( so scary....i don't like the cramp. ughhh!....
i watch ice age3 that day! super cute~ :) :) especially the three baby dino... awwwww~~~
don't ask me why...
love, cong.
i watch ice age3 that day! super cute~ :) :) especially the three baby dino... awwwww~~~
don't ask me why...
love, cong.
Friday, July 3, 2009
never say never.
i love this song, espeically the chorus part, at this moment...
Never say Never - The Fray
There's some things we don't talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while
You can never say never
Why we dont know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Picture you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see
Under your command
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
Steady your hand
You can never say never
Why we dont know when
Time, time and time again
Younger now then we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
We're pulling apart and
coming together again and again
We're growing apart
but we pull it together,
pull it together, together again
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Never say Never - The Fray
There's some things we don't talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while
You can never say never
Why we dont know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Picture you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see
Under your command
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
Steady your hand
You can never say never
Why we dont know when
Time, time and time again
Younger now then we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
We're pulling apart and
coming together again and again
We're growing apart
but we pull it together,
pull it together, together again
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
and i wish...so badly.
yesterday, i got my salary paid. for the first time, lol. because i only work for one day in june, hence my salary was only rm29.50. haha. a goood start though...
today, (July 3rd)
today, (July 3rd)
......我 , 好想你 ..... 却又开不了口。
love, cong.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
the reason for me not blogging, is cause, i don't know why, but i just don't feel like it. life's too boring i guess. :p
yesterday, i watched tranformers AGAIN, with sin. :) haha. i still teared at the part where optimus fought in the forest! wooahh. he's so so hot! i was arguing with sin that who's hotter, sin likes megatron..i don't know why. o.o
:) i really have nothing to say, except that currently, i'm in a so-wanna-shopping mood, but is so out of cash. i can't wait for my salary...i wish i could ash for it first. salary? oh yeah, you must be wondering since when i got a job. well, i'm now working with qian at the Kumon centre. and...i'm already complaining even though monday was the first day. hmmm, well, the kids are fine, just that, i don't like the 3 to 9pm air conditioning thing. it is really, really, really harmful towards my skin. :( haiseh..and i don't get to have dinner with my parents, every monday and thursday...that sucks. *pffff* but i need cash, and i have to earn it myself to pay for my belated-father's day present. :p haha. oh..and for my shopppinnggs too. xD
my holidays will be finishing in two weeks time. hmm, and i still haven't recieved my offer letter yet. GREAT~ but what's worst, my A2 results will be coming out soon, on the 10th of august. -.-" right...i'm kinda scared..yet, glad. don't ask me why..i have no ideaa! besides, i am too looking forward into receiving the scholarship successfulllyyy. :D haha. daddy promise, if i were to get that scholarship, he's going to get me a new phone on the spot. i was hoping for a new car..:P but oh welll~ :p i wonder if he's lying to me........o.o""" i really think so. lol!
hmmm, will update sooon. :)
love, cong.
yesterday, i watched tranformers AGAIN, with sin. :) haha. i still teared at the part where optimus fought in the forest! wooahh. he's so so hot! i was arguing with sin that who's hotter, sin likes megatron..i don't know why. o.o
:) i really have nothing to say, except that currently, i'm in a so-wanna-shopping mood, but is so out of cash. i can't wait for my salary...i wish i could ash for it first. salary? oh yeah, you must be wondering since when i got a job. well, i'm now working with qian at the Kumon centre. and...i'm already complaining even though monday was the first day. hmmm, well, the kids are fine, just that, i don't like the 3 to 9pm air conditioning thing. it is really, really, really harmful towards my skin. :( haiseh..and i don't get to have dinner with my parents, every monday and thursday...that sucks. *pffff* but i need cash, and i have to earn it myself to pay for my belated-father's day present. :p haha. oh..and for my shopppinnggs too. xD
my holidays will be finishing in two weeks time. hmm, and i still haven't recieved my offer letter yet. GREAT~ but what's worst, my A2 results will be coming out soon, on the 10th of august. -.-" right...i'm kinda scared..yet, glad. don't ask me why..i have no ideaa! besides, i am too looking forward into receiving the scholarship successfulllyyy. :D haha. daddy promise, if i were to get that scholarship, he's going to get me a new phone on the spot. i was hoping for a new car..:P but oh welll~ :p i wonder if he's lying to me........o.o""" i really think so. lol!
hmmm, will update sooon. :)
love, cong.
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