and i don't wanna be..
the only problem i have..
is sleeping.
i used to sleep before 12 back home! and all my close ones know...
that's why i'm never the clubbing type.. ;p *giggles*
i can't sleep until 2! i mean, Melbourne's time.
which disturbs my beauty sleep! :(
i had no choice though,
the feeling of sleeping, offing the lights with silence everywhere,
terrifies me.
i will have to toss and turn, toss and turn, and then fall asleep at i don't know when.
but i always have loads wandering in my mind, and the most frequent one? 'can morning come faster?'
i don't know why...
i hate it most, because my skin must rest between 10-2, and i start to sleep only at 2?!
no worries, i'm fine.
i can overcome it by myself.
i'm cong.
that day, everyone was busy, no one online and facebook was boring..
i had the sudden urge to listen F4's songs. :)
and gosh! all those high school memories, the crazy over F4 periods, all came back!
i had to admit, F4 was part of my high school memories!
and METEOR GARDEN! oh my gosh! it was THE HIT! everyone everywhere were talking about them, not only Asia, but even in Western Countries! haha. :)
Dao Ming Shi, Hua Zhe Lei, Xi Men and Mei Zhuo! oh, of course, San Chai!
they practically made the word 'meteor' popular!
people were like hoping to see meteor rain after that drama.
it definitely affected me! :)
even though Boys Over Flowers is what i prefer right now, but back then.. F4 was my love!! haha.
they are old now. ;p hehe. i used to love Vic Zhou, better known as Zai Zai, :) but, i think the hottest for now is Vanness Wu! :)
their songs.. remind me so much...
流星雨,第一时间,我是真的真的爱你,要定你,为你执着,绝不能失去你,烟花季节,爱的领域,TeAmo, Can't help falling in love, 爱在爱你....
oh my god, oh my god!!
F4 is my Forever memories wei!
how can you forget the one thing you used to love?
even though you don't love it no more now,
but the moments when you really love it,
is something you can never get it out of your mind..
simply because, you really loved.
can i just pull out my drawer, expect that i can jump into it,
and have a walk down to my memories?
i promise i will come back and i won't change anything that is done..
i just wanna go back and feel..the feelings that i used to have,
that i will no longer have...
those moments were great. :)
without worries, enjoying school life everyday!
now i know, when the adults say that school life, being a student is the best part!
you want something so bad that you can break down and cry any minute,
but also realise that,
because.. what's done is done..what's gone is gone..
nomatter what happens,
noone, can ever..go back to their past.
maybe that's why memories are so precious?
ABC soup. :)
Melted Butter & Diced garlice steam with scallops! :) *yummmss* the reason for not using a proper plate is because i don't know whether my plate can be use to steam. i'm afraid it will crack!
fried cabbage with prawn & carrots ; fried egg with prawn. :) like i said, i don't know how to fry egg properly, like flip it? no..-.-' haha!my family's recipe. :) Beef rice, we have to eat because we need bloooodd! haha.
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