Friday, October 23, 2009

suddenly, emo.

i was watching the series, The Dragon Sabre ... on channel 314 with my daddy.
he influenced me to watch it again, no, actually, he influenced my whole family. :)
it was the last episode today.

the story ends by,
all the couple living happily ever after,
they were not bothered by whatever happen in the 'kungfu society'*i don't know what's that called in english! sorry! :)* anymore,
nomatter how great they were back then, slowly, there were replaced,
and then, SUDDENLY,
i had that feeling.
it's just like us, isn't it?
it was their story they used to tell,
everything, everywhere is about them...
but then, when time goes by,
they slowly fades,
and then, are replaced by some other people who are ready to tell their story.
like us,
it used to be our story they are telling in Sri KDU,
everyone, everywhere was about us.
but now?
it's no more us...
it's them,
their story, their play.
when i thought of that, i don't know why, but i have a sudden blue feeling..
is that it?
is life always like this?
nomatter how well your story was told, time will eventually erase everything?
the new ones will somehow replace the old ones..
and then...forgotten.

i love this mandrin idiom, i think, it's really sad yet beautiful..


sudden emo?

love, cong

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