i was without any make ups! i swear! :)
seriously. i like! :D
haha. i find myself getting weird-er and weird-er.
i find myself getting weird with make up on! i know, right?
how awkward is that?!
oh well. :)
i went to watch Sex and the City 2, this evening, and
unsuprisingly i love it! ;)
i knew i will love it, with the heels, the dresses, and the bags. how will i not?
i wanna live a life like that!! :)
that's why i'm working hard now. haha.
guys, do i look younger than my actual age?
i don't think so. but i keep having people think that i am younger!
for those who think that i'm bragging or any intention you think that i have but is not at all my intention,
seriously, keep quiet. don't make me upset like how someone did. -,- my dear ones know how i was drove up the wall! grrrr.
anyway, as we were saying,
yup, i look younger than my actual age.
fact 1:
that evening when i accompanied my mummy to get my sister's new car, the sales man, Mr.Anthony said : How are you gonna drive 2 cars back home?
Mummy : there. *pointing at me* she can drive.
Mr.Anthony : huh? she can!? how old is she? *look at me* 18?
Cong : 20. *SMILE!*
Mr. Anthony : 20!!??? i thought you were like form4 or 5. you look so young!
haha. :)
fact 2:
sin was getting the tickets for SATC 2, i went to check out for drinks and came back.
Ticket girl : Is she 18?
Cong : i'm...20. *:)*
Ticket girl : oh!! sorry. ;p
Ticket guy from other counter : sorry! but you should be happy since you look young.
again, haha. ;p
so, do i really look young? my elder sister says that i look younger without make up on, but with make up on..i look way mature... :) :)
so is that goood or bad?
i wonder.
however, i'm kinda enjoying it while i can! hah! ;)
at least better than those who are mistaken that they are older than their actual age!! *winks*
mmm, mmm, mmmm...
life has been great. ;) especially when sin's exam are over! and mine too!
i spend everyday with him and my family~~
AHH!! also my NOVELS!!! i love them, heart heart heart them~~ :) :) :)
( i'm planning to buy a collection and bring it over to OZ with me!! honestly, i cannot survive without them. ;) )
i do spend time with my love ones too...my dear friends!! all that i can.
seriously! i sleep late lately. which is so unusual for me! you know me? my eyes starts to shut when the clock strives at 11. so, i'm trying hard to, doing the best i could to meet everyone. :)
i love you. guys. ;)
few days back i met up with hugo, kam and yuva!
god! how much have i missed out from their life, and how drastically they had changed!
good or bad? i have no right to judge,
but some changes, are really, based on my perception, not acceptable.
oh well. :) i hope they know what they are doing!
:) did i mention i'm in MacDee now?
feel so tired....
love, cong.