Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the cost of growing up

i saw a video just now on facebook,
i guess everyone saw it already...
like always, i'm the slowest, the most out-dated one.. haha
i'm eeyorre~
anyways, what i'm trying to say is,
i get it. i so get it.
how you use to believe in your dreams, your idea..helplessly!
no matter who says whatever, you'll still believe in it!
those were the days,
when we were still young, still kids...
remember how hard it was for your parents to keep you silent for a certain tinkle idea in your mind?
but hard issit for you to persuade yourself, to be persistence on that particular idea...

like i said,
because we're no longer kids.
we grew up,
have tonnes of freedom that we didn't had when we were kids,
did loads of things that we wish so much when we were kids,
remember those days when we used to cross our fingers so hard? or telling a friend in a conversation?
'oh god! i can't wait to grow up!' and 'i wanna be an adult le!...ish..' or 'i wanna grow up faster! i want freedom!'
i remembered, and i regret.
how foolish i was to ever have said that!
i should have known, being a kid is only once a while, not even a quarter of your life..
but being an adult? you have THE REST of YOUR LIFE to be! to do whatever you want..
but a kid?
you can never do things like a kid again,
you can never see things like a kid again
you can never think ike a kid again,
you can never dream like a kid again!
like the video stated,
not believing in your idea OR being creative but with doubt..that's how you believe as an adult now..
it is..the cost of growing up..
everyone love that video,
but i have no idea why..
i cried when i watch the video..
because of the ugly truth..i guess.
or was it something else?

i know, to some, they might think they still can believe,
but how strong is your believe?
even if you wanna believe like a kid,
you know you can't..
cause reality..will soon change you, without you even realising..
that's life.

sad, isn't it?
no point regreting on the past,
cherish now! that's the best solution to this fragile life! ;)

i'm not saying we don't believe anymore,
just with more doubts, more buts, more 'what ifs' and more worries. :)
i do believe myself, but also, there's a small voice down in my heart,
asking me, myself..
what if..? but.... can it be?

JUST IN CASE some of you guys haven't seen it yet,
here's the link. log in to FB first ler. ;) it's not a youtube video.!/video/video.php?v=483830584745&ref=mf

p.s// I'M NOT BEING PESSIMICTIC okay? :) just..getting to know the truth. :D
p.p.s// i realise one thing... maybe on the next post.. or else i have no other stuffs to post. :)

love, cong.

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